We’re delighted to announce our new contest for aspiring PB authors and author-lllustrators who aren’t traditionally published or agented (yet).

We are doing this as a service to the kidlit community, in particular to: 

  • help outstanding authors get published. 
  • help promote the importance of the dummy process in improving their PB manuscripts.

How does it work?

We welcome picture book authors and author-illustrators to create and submit query-ready picture book dummies. Each dummy will remain private unless the author wishes to publish it. The contest is free.

Participants will own the rights to their submissions (of course).

Winners will be announced periodically.

A quick tutorial showing how to create your dummy book

See the FAQs for further details.

Who is the contest open to?

This contest is open to authors and author-illustrators who do not yet have an agent, or a publishing deal with a traditional publishing house.

Participants can submit as many manuscripts as they want.

Manuscripts must be presented in dummy book format with Ourboox (up to 32 pages, 16 spreads).

You should use blank pages as necessary or use your own artwork.

No AI.

The books should be kept private and the URL (link) sent to Amy Huesgen at Amy@ourboox.com who will be in charge of judges and manuscript selection.

No. Every time we get about 100 manuscripts, we will select the winning submission(s) and share them with interested editors/agents/publishers. We will notify winners before sharing their manuscripts with the editors/agents/publishers.

We welcome premium subscribers, but there is no need unless you want to present more than three manuscripts.

Text should be up to 500 words, 32 pages (16 spreads).